Our staff is dedicated in giving the best education to your child. We strive for excellence every day. Our goal is to give your child every opportunity to thrive in their environment. We believe building children up today, will make leaders of them in their futures, no matter what career path they choose.
Administrative Assistant
Financial Secretary
Church Executive
Missions & Worship
3 Year Old Preschool
K5 (1)
K5 (2)
1st (1)
1st (2)
4th - 5th
5th - 8th Science /
Language / History
Computers / Music
Spanish / PE & Health
Art Appreciation /
Elementary Art
Youth Pastor
Science /
Middle School Math​
Kristie Salvo
Chuck Salvo
Debbie Nardi​
Stacye Owen
Jeanette Maple
Gianna Salvo
Olivia Robinson
Kelli Byrd
Shelby Craig
Briajah Moore
Shera Carey
Terri Lotich
Cherryl Elias
Carissa Sexton
Stephanie Powell
Robin Keen
Debbie Ruggles
Adalid Feliu
Doug Elliott
Emily Roberts
Shae Lonoae'a
Madi Velez​​
Pastor Chuck Salvo / Adalid Feliu
Gianna Salvo
Adalid Feliu
Mario Calixte
Tera Gentry​
Lesli Valdez / Michaela Doby
Principal Kristie Salvo
"Valiant Christian Academy is not only about receiving a quality education, but also about being in a safe environment and learning Christian values and morals. I have spent the past sixteen years pouring my heart and soul into making this school a complete success and preparing the younger children to achieve academically and build their confidence. My goal with the older pre-teens and teens is that they would be educated and prepared for college when they graduate. Furthermore, my desire is that they will leave their high school years with self-confidence and a firm foundation in Christianity so that they can face the future years successfully.
"I love working with youth and interacting with them on a daily basis. I am very involved in the activities of the school and believe in an open-door policy; I want kids of all ages to feel free to come to me about issues at any time. I work my hardest to make Valiant Christian Academy a fun and safe learning establishment, and an academically competitive educational program. I feel that through the years we have accomplished this task. So I invite you to come, take a tour and experience our family-like atmosphere."
Pastor Chuck Salvo
"I believe in our day and age that we need young men and women to rise up and set the standard for our culture. It seems that the standards have been lowered. I believe at Valiant Christian Academy we are determined to help students lift that standard. Biblical-based education is the catalyst that will propel any student to a higher standard.
"The atmosphere at Valiant is one of peace and security. Students who feel safe do better academically. Many parents of our students see a difference in the first two weeks of their children attending Valiant. It is our hope that students attending our school will become everything that God has called them to be."