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Pass It On Campaign

We're glad you came to check us out! We are an elementary & high school and our mission in this campaign is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ! We are a school that wants to be active in our pursuit of Christ and to also help others understand the importance of sharing what we KNOW!

Many of us (the students) attend church at On Fire Christian Church and our youth group, Gen Fire, would love to hang with you on Sunday nights at 7PM if you're between the age of 13-19. We also have class for kids younger than this too during other services. You can always message us and let us know if you have any questions or want more info!

If you're outside of these ages, that's okay too! We're happy you're here and would love to get you plugged in. Click Here for more info about our church!

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Tell us about your experience!


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Timothy King

This church has forever changed my life! Pastor has helped me grow more in the Lord than I could think. I am so excited to see what the Lord will do in this campaign!   

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Landon McKeehan

i thought that i could do everything by myself and didn’t need God. one day i just was so broken and said God i need help and i felt this weight lifted off. And God flooded me with peace and love and i’ve never turned away since !  

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Jakob Rich

I was bound in drugs and addiction to drinking when I was in public school and one day my mom brought me out of public school and put me in Valiant and I believe this was a call from God. Ever since I came here I have felt the love of God like no other. And pastor Chuck Salvo is probably the best to teach you about God.   


Trintten Luker

It helped me by coming to Valiant and meeting this amazing pastor who helped me get closer too the Lord. I have never been happier, I am so happy I had this opportunity.  

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Gabby Taylor

Growing up I didn't know God, I loved the world and everything involved in it. I had a friend bring me to church with her and I loved it. I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Valiant, learn about God and his love and about how to live in his spirit. In public school I missed nearly 50 days a year and never began to feel the amount of love that I do here. God has truly saved my life and brought me blessings upon blessings.

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Copyright 2024 Valiant Christian Academy
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5627 New Cut Road

Louisville, Ky 40214

T: 502-368-0080

F: 502-361-5179


Summer Office Hours

9 am-4 pm M-Th

10 am-4 pm F

School Year Office Hours

7:15 am-4 pm

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